Saturday, June 6, 2020

Resilient, Reliable and Resistant

When your wounds are deeper than the flesh,
When your destination is long ahead of the horizon,
When your thoughts race past the time and present,
When what you feel flood out of the brimming heart....

When the grief is heavier than the memories that lead your past,
When the gloom around engulfs all the space around you,
When what you mean is deeper then the words you spell,
When your thoughts are paced, swifter than your actions....

When you realize the music playing within has changed the tune,
When you realize the course of your thoughts have changed their flow,
When you realize every face is a mask of infinite experiences,
When you realize every melting second is a fighting distance travelled….

When you want to fight with the unknown within,
When you want to play the role of a stranger hiding within,
When you want to curse the existing soul within,
When you walk the path which is not guided from within... 

When you forgive your past for having you on its journey,
When you overlook how the next second would embrace you,
When you pamper your ability to fight a little longer,
When you urge your virtues to ignore the world around you....

You feel someone bringing in new warmth,
You are illuminated with the brightness, that someone brings in,
You rise above your limits,
You glide through the misery,
You fight all the odds,
You wait for nothing and...

You see someone else on the mirror. Far more Resilient, Reliable and Resistant.....

Sakethursforever : )


ShivamG said...

nice..soulful ❣️

Raghava Ravuri said...

We need this,at a time like this