Monday, April 27, 2020

But for my Team.!

Mondays are usually busy days at corporate."Pull up your socks", "Go all guns blazing", "Such is life you have to face it", "Smart work will makes us stand apart", "We need to turn the tide", "The pipeline looks bleak"....and many more motivational words pump our fuel tanks to fullest for a impact full week ahead. This Monday could have been nothing but similar.

Reviews, Sales forecast, Pipeline discussion, Client management, Client Queries, Prospective Clients, Industry mapping; and the list goes on and on.

But for my team. 

Today was definitely an experience that I would remember for long long time to come.The routine Monday review call has took off some 5 minutes ago. I in front of my team, reporting manager, Department head, business head and others. I just lost myself. Generally we prepare what we speak. But today I was little more than carried away by how the call started. It was not until my business head called out my name and said "Satya looks confused, he thinks what is happening in the sales review call". I quickly gathered my thoughts back on my pretty bleak performance. But those impact-full conversation stayed with me a littler longer.  And these are thoughts that would occupy my mind between the time I going to bed and the time I fall asleep. 

As I logged into the call, there were jargons definitely playing out loud, but they were on a different turf all together. People were discussing philosophy with tinge of spirituality. My department head started to speak of how he was questioning few inner quests of his. How reading few books enlightened him. How it has changed his life and finally e spoke about the famous phase"Me in me, talking to me in you....". Then the business head swiftly took over the conversation and spoke about 7 years he spent in an educational institute curving towards spirituality. It has to do with what inner engineering is. Both the heads spoke about "How a certain knowledge changed them and what they have learnt out of it". My mind, then quickly recollected what my reporting manager, who once told me about Yoga and it's benefits.

I already said, I was blown away with the thoughts, flown away in their words and gained my senses only after the business head called out my name.

One amazing thing my fiance taught me is to introspect the day. Specially those incidents with touch your heart and stay there for some time. And her philosophical mind and talks are something that I fall for. So are few close friends of mine.

So since the call got over, I started introspecting. Searching deep within. Where does my opinion lay on similar grounds. The late stroll after dinner helped me discover the same. Ramayana, the amazing epic is a great story. Nothing to do with religion, saffron, belief and godism. Ramayana is a great lesson of ethics. The whole story told me, at least that "There is always one and one way of doing certain things. The Ethical Way. Nothing else." Truth may vary from person to person, circumstances to circumstances and time to time. But Ethical way is the only one way which always maintains it's sanctity. 

To put things into perspective, if I had to tell (on that Call) what I have learnt from stories I heard, Epics I read and thought process I have; I would follow ethics. Always. Different times call for different laws, Different religions call for different cultures, Different circumstances call for different versions of truth. But Ethical way performing your duty is the ultimate.

I would say; "when in doubt don't follow your heart, mind or soul; ask if you are a Ethical Human. This place turns out to be one of the best places to live in.

PS: When you are of a certain mindset, I generally have people and teams of similar mindset around you.

Sakethursforever : )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thoroughly like the conclusion when in doubt... Nicely written