Friday, January 3, 2014

You are the one who deserves all that

A Vow exists, that I never shared,
An Oath survived, that I never declared .

Always safe inside myself,
That phrase was a promise all by itself.

Always secured was my will,
Trying hard not to out spill.

Those lines were always under the mask,
Delivering them is not my task.

Someone said words had power,
Just enough, to stall a rapid river.

Wanting to flow off the brimming heart,
Longing to flood the distance apart .

I bar them on my mind sometimes,
I cover them up in my voice sometimes.

They make their way out of my lips,
And get away like some unheard scripts .

They knock me out of the sleep sometimes,
They wrack me into a dream sometimes.

Read them on the things I do, Read them on the words I do.
Read them on the way I'm, Read them on the tune I hum.
Read them on the likes I own, Read them on the enmity I hold.
Read them on the tranquil around, Read them on my eloquent eyes.

Wish you are the who, who reads all that.
Wish it is you, who need all that.
Hope I don't have to say all that. 
Hope you know that lovely that. 

You are the one who deserves all that .

sakethursforever : )




saketh said...

Thank you dear. :)

Genuine reader said...

🙂 True that sometimes Silence speak more than words. A good poem and a good habit of speaking less when nothing is known.